Assertive Communication Training [英語版:アサーティブコミュニケーション研修]

Learn assertive communication skills and improve productivity at work

This training equips participants with assertive communication skills to build positive relationships and prevent misunderstandings, fostering a more harmonious and productive workplace.











Assertive Communication Trainingはオンライン研修に対応しています

研修コード:101260   更新日:

Assertive Communication Trainingの狙い

Understanding how assertive communication can help build strong workplace relationships while reducing stress. Through various role-playing scenarios, participants will practice these skills in different situations and apply them to their work



Teams seeking to improve workplace communication.

Assertive Communication Trainingを実施すると

  1. Maintain a respectful and assertive communication style with colleagues.
  2. Communicate ideas better in a stress-free manner.
  3. Work more efficiently and productively by reducing communication gaps and miscommunications.

リスキル Assertive Communication Trainingの概要

The purpose of this training is to help trainees develop assertive communication skills and build strong relationships in a respectful and stress-free manner in the workplace.

Organizations consist of a diverse range of individuals, and most of work must be carried out through communication between its members. Workplace relationships and communication have a significant impact on the efficiency and mentality of each employee, and are directly linked to team productivity.

Assertive communication helps create a communication friendly environment that increases each employee's work efficiency and protects their mental health. It also helps organizations improve workplace atmosphere and productivity, as well as prevent workplace harassment.

本研修 3つの特徴

1. Understand the essence of communication

This training equips individuals with practical skills to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts peacefully, and create a more harmonious workplace.

2. Acquire speaking and listening skills

By understanding the fundamentals of communication, participants will gain a deeper appreciation for its importance in building strong relationships and fostering a positive work environment.

3. Learn how to work with different personality types

With our multiple role-playing scenarios, trainees will gain practical assertive communication skills in dealing with different personalities and be able to apply those skills to their job right away.


6時間 (変更が可能です)

Assertive Communication Trainingカリキュラム


1. Assertive Communication Fundamentals 【ゴール】Understand the basics and necessity of assertive communication
  • [Ice breaker] - Current challenges.
  • What is assertive communication? [expressing oneself while respecting others].
  • The benefits of being assertive.
  • Communication mindsets [Integrity/Equality/Frankness/Self-responsibility].
  • Self assessment [Identify your communication patterns using a checklist].
  • Understand different types of communication [Assertive/Aggressive/Passive].
  • Key assertive communication skills [Listening/Speaking].
2. Active Listening 【ゴール】Learn how to listen assertively to others
  • Active listening [What is active listening?/Appropriate attitude when listening others].
  • [Self-assessment exercise] - “Are you good listener?”
  • Active listening skills [Behavioral engagement/Body language/Eye contact/Vocal qualities/Verbal tracking].
  • Basic active listening techniques [Paraphrasing/Summarizing/Encouraging/Reflecting Feelings/Questioning].
  • Questioning techniques [Close-ended questions/Open-ended question/Improving the effectiveness of your conversation].
  • [Group work] active listening practice.
3. Assertive Speaking 【ゴール】Understand how to organize your thoughts and communicate them to others assertively.
  • The importance of effective communication [Effects of taking the other person's perspective].
  • DESC method [What is the DESC method?/How to organize what you want to say/Example of DESC communication].
  • Use I-messages in communication [I-message and YOU-message].
  • [Exercise] Practicing I-Message/[Exercise] Practicing the DESC method [With junior employees/With senior employees/With your boss/Complaints from members].
  • Request/convey different opinions [Making requests effectively/Convey communicating different opinions (disagreement)].
  • [Case study] Communicate assertively with team members.
  • Preventing miscommunication [Adjust your communication style to others].
4. Quality of Relationships 【ゴール】Learn how to interact with others to improve the quality of relationships
  • The importance of relationship quality [A core theory of success].
  • Strengthening relationships with team members [Utilizing the PDCA cycle and communicating assertively with colleagues].
  • [Mini task] - Analyzing your team's relationship.
  • Strengthening relationships with team members for managers [Delegate/Encourage/Correct/Teaching].
  • [Exercise] Applying the knowledge you have gained to your own team.
5. Practicing Assertive Communication 【ゴール】Put the assertive communication skills you have learned into practice
  • [Case study] Case studies based on real-world situations
  • [Case 1] - How to decline a request from your boss assertively.
  • [Case 2] - A chronically late employees.
  • Practicing assertive communication for the workplace [Start with small talk]
  • [Exercise] Applying insights and action



  • 後からの人数変更も無料で対応しています
  • 研修のアレンジにも追加料金はかかりません
  • オンライン研修でも追加料金無し。急遽変更でも料金変わらず対応可能です

Assertive Communication Training参加者の必須条件

Teams that want to improve communication and productivity



Assertive Communication Trainingのよくあるご質問

オンラインAssertive Communication Training 詳細>


当ページの研修はAssertive Communication Trainingの一社研修です。その他の研修や関連研修は下記より確認ください。



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電話受付:月〜金 9:00-19:00(土日祝も研修実施)